Border: I got to the point where the border was mostly finished, and I got tired of looking at the green tape. It interferes with your color perception. Off goes the tape! Artist Tape is white and solves that problem, but I think there are some adhesive issues. Frog Tape (the green tape above) solves that problem, but it is…green…and not a very natural shade of green either. Notice how nice the craft edge looks.
Eyes: I worked more on the eyes. Tico’s left eye still needs some working on. Some of that will be with gouache, which I will reserve until the end.
Hair: I continued mapping out the hair. Recognizing the significant strands and maintaining their flow and direction is essential. I also put in some darks but need to continue with the lighter base colors before I proceed further with darks.
Background: It might be hard to tell but I glazed the background on the right with a bit of Opera. Glazing can subdue chaotic areas. I might glaze some more with the idea that I will keep the left background brighter than the right. I should have done this closer to the finish as I will need to keep some contrasting areas and getting in all of the values in the hair finished first.
Hair: Keeping directional, I am trying to establish more value areas. I realized there really are no whites in the lights on the right side so, I began filling the lighter areas with color.
Bandana: I began darkening some of the shadow areas of the bandana.
Eyes: I worked a bit more on the eyes.